Friday, July 1, 2011

Moon Magick: $45

The moon teaches us lessons of flow & change.....  She is considered Grandmother and guides our intuition & dreams. In the light or the darke of the moon magick can be made, dreams can be woven into reality.

Mita Kuya Oyacin

Feather Keeper: Altar Gourd

This is the 2nd gourd that I ever completed.....  It speaks of the power of women (see the shells) and of the Four Nations (which can be seen in the beads)..  The feathers were a gift from a very special person, who although far in distance, is ever close within my heart.

Mita Kuya Oyacin

Dream Keeper


Welcome to my Gourd Vessel blog page:  My work was formerly located @  My work can also be viewed on my facebook page (friends only) or kimberlyandbud.

I began working with gourds sometime in 1994-95 when I took a class at the Glendale Community Adult School with Ms. Lois Rainwater, a gifted basket-weaver & gourd artist.  At the time, I was slightly embarrassed, as it turned out that I was the only person not interested in making "pretty, artsy-crafty" gourds.

I'm not saying that the gourds I finished were ugly, they just were not cute decorative items.

I have since come to realize, that gourds as living plants have a spirit residing within and that it is the spirit of the gourd that reveals itself to me, and I am simply a tool for them to come into full being.

These gourds carry medicine and tell their stories.......  I am honored to be one who is able to help them with their metamorphosis from plant to medicine being.

Mita Kuya Oyacin!